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Mr. Larson's taste for the nontraditional house guest continued into adulthood. For a while he bred Mexican king snakes, and kept a Bermuda python until it grew 15 feet long. He has owned tarantulas and bird-eating spiders,"They don t expect to pay anything, African bullfrogs and carnivorous South American ornate horned frogs. Once,coach factory outlet, while he was washing a frog in the sink,, the animal slipped down the garbage disposal. ''He was O.K.,, but when I reached down to get him,, he filled himself with air so I couldn't bring him up,national park officials...Updated,ray ban sunglasses outlet,'' Mr. Larson said. ''I spent the longest time with my hand down the drain,, waiting for him to relax,, and at the same time not getting bitten. Frogs have teeth,coach outlet online, you know.'' Mr. Larson said that,cheap uggs australia, for environmental reasons, he no longer condones the rearing and keeping of exotic pets.

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