the Oklahoma City Thunder star.

Dellavedova, who earned a spot with the Cavaliers as a free agent,The unity government,, has provided Holt with guidance and encouragement. Cobbs sought advice primarily from his cousin Westbrook, the Oklahoma City Thunder star.

The 41-year-old swimmer was injured when she flew over a drop-off after hitting a curb on an ATV. She had no feeling in her legs and feet after the accident and said on Friday that she's still paralyzed.

The issue: The Wyoming Supreme Court ruled last week that lawmakers improperly removed the duties of the state s schools superintendent.We believe: The return of Cindy Hill to head the public school system will harm several key education reform initiatives.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .Supporters of school reform in Wyoming are less than thrilled with last week s state Supreme Court ruling that SF 104 was unconstitutional.That bill was passed and signed by Gov. Matt Mead last spring, and it stripped State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill of most of her powers. It came about mainly because Ms. Hill had refused to execute the desires of the Legislature to hold public schools accountable for academic results. Ms. Hill saw that as a move away from local control,, which she swears by.Well,, she s back. Or at least she will be once all of the court and, perhaps, legislative maneuvering is over. And that puts at least two key education reform initiatives in jeopardy.The first,, obviously,cheap uggs australia, is accountability. New education director Richard Crandall has been steering the state on the course mapped out by the Legislature, doing such things as piloting measures for school performance. But Ms. Hill can be expected to blunt, if not halt,michael kors outlet online,2 Matt Maynard, that work.Indeed, she said last week that she does not support efforts to measure teacher performance. To evaluate a teacher on how well her students are performing on any given test right now is not fair or just,, she said. There is no test that tells us how well a teacher teaches. But measuring performance is at the heart of school accountability. If teachers are not required to produce as measured by student results there can be no real growth in the system.We already fear that the accountability system is being weakened by legislative tinkering. Ms. Hill s actions could strike a death blow to it.The same can be said for the Common Core State Standards. Ms. Hill opposes them as an effort to federalize education. But nothing could be further from the truth. Rather, the standards were put together by the nation s governors. That makes them a bottom-up effort to raise teaching requirements across America.Ms. Hill asserts that Wyoming should have its own standards and that they should be the highest. But the Common Core already has raised the bar in this state,coach outlet online, driving a higher level of education for students.Wyoming does not require its own special standards as if it is unique in all the world of education; it is not. Rather,young people fail to purchase coverage,cheap michael kors bags,Edward Loomis and J. Kirk Wiebe, it needs an education leader who will focus on lifting this state to the Common Core as Mr. Crandall has done.It might be impossible for Ms. Hill to impede the Common Core since it was approved by the state Board of Education. But it is certain she will do nothing to support it. And she could play a role in blocking efforts to change the state test to one that aligns with the Common Core.Again,then allow flexibility on how they are achieved., Ms. Hill asserts such a test might not reflect Wyoming values. But values of what? How do math and English differ in Wyoming than in, say, Virginia? A Common Core-based test allows comparison of Wyoming students results across states and to national norms. That is not possible with the current state test.It is true that both the Common Core and accountability weaken the chokehold that local control has on Wyoming s public school culture. But that is a good thing. It is past time that districts be required to perform. Unfortunately,, Ms. Hill s return will do nothing to bolster those efforts.

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Forecast discussion: A series of low pressure systems is helping to keep cloudy skies and drizzle over Providence on Thursday. As we go through the next day and a half,,mice that received the inhibitor had higher levels of glucagon, we will see more precipitation. Some heavier rains are moving in from the southwest,toms outlet, as a disturbance moves into New York. We will see this activity during the overnight,cheap ray bans, and some local areas may see downpours. So, some street flooding is possible.